This is an article about the Coleg Cymraeg’s scholarship scheme which supports students wishing to study…

Top of the tree for Graduate Prospects

The teaching team are delighted that once again, we are named as one of the Complete…

Profiadau blwyddyn gyntaf / First year experiences

Ffion Jones and Carys Evans are nearing the end of their first year within the department,…

Ebbi’s Amazing Adventures with AMMA

With only limited filming experience, our second-year student Ebbi Witt tested her skills – and herself…

Lockdown food, Moldova and Uzbekistan style!

Media and Communications students Yulia and Oleysa have been busy preparing some of their national dishes……

Not long to wait now for the Class of 2020 !

There is a lot going on for us all at the moment, as our usual lives…

The Swansea University class of 54…

Those who were kind enough to take in interest in the interview with my Dad recently…

Hwyl ar Hyrwyddo / Expert Marketing Tips

10 Top Tips gan Reolwr Brand BBC Cymru Wales /10 Top Tips from BBC Cymru Wales’…

Cecily does some California Dreamin’…

Final year BA (Hons) English Language and Media student Cecily Edwards tell us all about how…

Wynebu Diwydiant / Facing Industry

Mae myfyrwyr wedi bod yn pitcho eu syniadau i gynrychiolwyr diwydiant drachefn. Students have once again…