To reflect the fact that we also teach some courses in Welsh, the site will also feature Welsh language content from students and staff.
Our Cymraeg posts…
‘Students on set / Myfyrwyr yn rhoi gwersi ar waith’ - Over the summer first year students were offered an opportunity to join Octagon Content on a drama pilot set in Cardiff titled BWMP. This offered students a chance to apply…
Llwyddiannau graddedigion - Welsh medium Media and PR graduates have gone on to follow successful and varied careers in the media industry in Wales. Here three of those students Brengain Jones (Trainee Director…
O Gaerfyrddin i Gaerdydd: Tom yr intern yn cychwyn ar Flwyddyn mewn Diwydiant / From Carmarthen to Cardiff: Intern Tom begins his Year in Industry - Yn lle dychwelyd ar gyfer ei drydedd flwyddyn, mae Tom Johnson eisoes wedi cychwyn ar ei flwyddyn o interniaeth gyda Media Academy Cymru / Rather than returning for his third…
Llundain yn cynnig cyfle cyfathrebu a rygbi i Carys / London offers communication and rugby for Carys - Mae myfyrwraig trydydd blwyddyn, Carys Evans o Faesteg newydd orffen blwyddyn mewn diwydiant gyda McArthur Glen yn Llundain a’r cyfle i chwarae gyda Chlwb Rygbi Llundain a’r London Broncos… Maesteg…
Teulu’r Castell - My first experience working as a runner on location Fy mhrofiad cyntaf yn gweithio fel rhedwr ar leoliad Tomas Johnson, a second-year Media and Communications student, discusses his experience as…
Prosiect Harneisio Harddwch yn ymddangos yn cylchgrawn ‘Cara’ - Harnessing Beauty – A Big Topic In Welsh Language Magazine ‘Cara’ Ffion Jones, a 3rd year student of Media and Communications, has written an article for the Welsh language magazine…
Sut gall pobl ifainc Cymru ddatrus yr argyfwng hinsawdd? Cam wrth gam. - While listening to the variety of discussions that took place during the Hillary Rodham Clinton Global Summit Challenge, third-year Media and Communications student Ffion Jones reflects on the steps young…
Hwb Cyfryngau Byw - Mae’r uwch ddarlithydd mewn PR, Iwan Williams yn siarad am fuddion yr hwb cyfryngau i’r myfyrwyr a’r staff
Non’s contribution to long-running radio series Caniadaeth y Cysegr - Some media content is a natural part of life in Britain and in Wales such as The Archers, Coronation Street and of course Pobol y Cwm! But beyond these long-running…
Ffion yn helpu gyda Neges o Heddwch ac Ewyllys Da gan Ffion / Ffion assists with a Peace and Goodwill message - Buodd Ffion Jones, sy’n fyfyrwraig ail flwyddyn yn yr Adran Cyfryngau a Chyfathrebu yn cyfrannu i Neges Heddwch ac Ewyllys Da yr Urdd 2021, sy’n ffocysu eleni ar Gydraddoldeb i…