A new programme ! BA Film and Visual Culture

We are proud to be launching a brand new programme about film and visual culture which…

Elain’s new book

Our very own Dr Elain Price has published a new book about broadcasting in Wales –…

Trevor Noah is leaving The Daily Show – how did he fare?

Allaina Kilby, Swansea University Africa’s most famous funnyman and TV star, the South African stand-up comedian…

Saloni’s year in Swansea

Communications, Media Practice and PR students Saloni tells us all about MA experience in our university,…

First impressions via First year TikToks !

Our incoming first year students made these videos reflecting on their first few days on campus.…

Office Hours for TB1

Please use this to find out when your modules leaders will be available to chat about…

25 from 300 – Top Tips for successful students

The staff team – with around 300 years of experience working and studying in universities –…

O Gaerfyrddin i Gaerdydd: Tom yr intern yn cychwyn ar Flwyddyn mewn Diwydiant / From Carmarthen to Cardiff: Intern Tom begins his Year in Industry

Yn lle dychwelyd ar gyfer ei drydedd flwyddyn, mae Tom Johnson eisoes wedi cychwyn ar ei…

Emily on her way to the top !

My name is Emily Way.  I am a Media and Communications student at Swansea University which…

Llundain yn cynnig cyfle cyfathrebu a rygbi i Carys / London offers communication and rugby for Carys

Mae myfyrwraig trydydd blwyddyn, Carys Evans o Faesteg newydd orffen blwyddyn mewn diwydiant gyda McArthur Glen…