Our own Professor Sian Rees and Media student Daniel Ibrahim represented the University recently at this industry event in London run by the Public Relations Consultants Association in conjunction with the Chartered Institute of Public Relations. Daniel reports on the day’s proceedings…
Professor Sian Rees, Head of Swansea University’s School of Culture and Communication presented the findings from the 2023 Global Student Voice Research study. This research sought to find out what students from across the globe think about Public Relations, and what their expectations of a career in the sector might be.

The conference brought Public Relations practitioners and academics together for a day of discussion about the practice of public relations, how this is taught, and how they might fit together. The event was organized by Leeds Becket University, Newcastle University, the Chartered Institute of Public Relations (CIPR) and the Public Relations Consultants Association (PRCA). I was privileged to be a research assistant for the study and joined the discussion panel following the presentation. It was a great networking opportunity and a fascinating insight into the world of public relations.
Editor’s note: Great work both, and thanks Daniel for reporting this for the Mumbler !