Non and her favourite poem on the BBC

Non Vaughan Williams, senior lecturer within our department was invited by BBC Radio Cymru’s Dei Tomos to choose her favourite poem and talk about her career. She chose Moelni by T.H.Parry-Williams, a bard whose work she first came across whilst studying Welsh in sixth form, and subsequently studied at Aberystwyth University.

Mae Moelni yn dal i swyno Non, fel gweddill barddoniaeth T.H.Parry-Williams oherwydd symlder ei ddweud. Gwrandewch ar y cyfweliad gyda Dei Tomos, lle mae’n sôn am ei gyrfa a’r her o ddarlithio mewn byd rhithiol.

Listen to the interview here – from 1.02.00…

Bust of T.H. Parry-Williams by R.L. Gapper